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The Effects Of Hazing

Many pledges are unaware of the social and emotional consequences that can occur as a result of hazing. Learn more about how hazing can effect victims and others involved. 

The effects resulting from excessive hazing can be extremely detrimental to the wellbeing of a pledge or others involved. Studies by North Western University have shown that approximately 70% of those who are hazed report suffering negative consequences after the fact. This can be physical and mental. 

     As many forms of hazing include sleep deprivation and taking drugs and drinking alcohol frequently, pledges can become mentally unstable. Since pledging occurs during the school year, it can cause a decline in grades and coursework.

     Imagine yourself having to attend a class at 9 in the morning after spending a night being so drunk you could barely walk. This is nearly impossible to do without harming your body and mental state. Many students end up skipping their classes because of heavy hangovers and other effects of hazing. Some pledges even end up being hospitalized. Events in fraternities also often take place during later school hours, which makes it difficult for pledges who have evening classes.

     Many pledges who experience hazing may lose their interest in Greek life in general, without first seeking a fraternity that is known for respectable traditions. For pledges who decide to stay, hazing can cause strong feelings of resentment towards current members and can lead to trust issues within the fraternity. It is hard to establish a good relationship with someone who physically assaulted you or made you feel extreme humiliation weeks before.

     Not only does hazing effect new members, but it can also be detrimental to the fraternities themselves. Below are the most recent hazing laws in Florida according to the University of Florida. Hazing is considered a criminal offense in the state of Florida. It can be a first-degree misdemeanor to commit an act of hazing that even creates the risk of causing harm. If an incident does result in a serious injury or death, members of the fraternity can be charged with felonies. Not only can fraternities face legal action, but they can also face punishment from their university. Organizations can often receive suspension from holding events and alcohol privileges.

     Below are some of the possible consequences of hazing, according to the Hazing Prevention Network. In some cases, fraternities can be no longer recognized by the school. Members of the fraternity can also lose financial aid, membership in other organizations on campus, and a spot on their sports team. The reputation of a fraternity within the University community can be lost in the blink of an eye from a hazing incident.         

     Those who do the hazing also suffer from the side effects. Feelings of shame and guilt can cause mental health issues. If an incident is to become a rumor on campus among students, the member involved in the hazing can lose relationships with friends and family members that they had before. Although they have hazed others, it is important to recognize that it does not only impact those being hazed.

     Many times, the members who do the hazing are required to do so by higher up members in the fraternity, and they can be punished for not abiding. The social pressure during this time is also high. Members feel that if they do not haze others the way that they were hazed, they will not be representing the fraternity how they are supposed to.

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